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The Independent Voice of Inclusive Asia
Think tank focusing on studies of the new dynamics of Asia brought about by the rise of China and other Asian powers, in particular ASEAN and South Asian countries.
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International Forum on New Inclusive Asia
The first International Forum on New Inclusive Asia (IFNIA) was held in December 2018 in Kuala Lumpur to assess and examine the achievements of China’s Opening Up Policy and the Belt and Road Initiative.
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New Inclusive Asia Dialogue
A panel comprising prominent scholars, government officials and corporate leaders from 11 countries discussed connectivity and integration at the New Inclusive Asia Dialogue (NIAD) held in August 2019 in Kuala Lumpur.
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Your Platform to Understand the New Dynamics of Asia

The rise of China changes the dynamics of Asia. The world needs to understand China as much as China needs to recognise the rules of engagement with the world.

Centre for New Inclusive Asia

The Centre for New Inclusive Asia (CNIA) was established in 2018 by Tan Sri Ong Tee Keat, former Malaysian Transport Minister and Mr Koh King Kee, Director of the Belt and Road Desk at Baker Tilly MH Advisory Malaysia. CNIA is a Kuala Lumpur based independent think tank focused on studies of the new dynamics brought about by the rise of China and other Asian powers, in particular ASEAN and South Asian countries.

Partnering with think tanks and universities in Malaysia and China, CNIA is uniquely qualified to analyse and comment on China’s rise and to promote connectivity inter and intra Asia to bolster inclusive growth, regional integration, and economic opportunity.